۱۳۹۴ اردیبهشت ۲, چهارشنبه


اشیاء با ارزش چغامیش (Chogha Mish) به موزه ملی ایران منتقل شد. flip.it/UUxUt

ČOḠĀ MĪŠ(Chogha Mish),the largest prehistoric and protohistoric site in Western Iran. flip.it/mOYvT #Iranica

See Also / بیشتر بخوانید
The Encyclopædia Iranica, Helene J. Kantor: 

ČOḠĀ MĪŠ (Chogha Mish), the largest prehistoric and protohistoric site (ca. 17 ha) in the area below the Zagros foothills between Dezfūl and Šūštar. It was excavated by the Oriental Institute of The University of Chicago for eleven seasons between 1340 Š./1961 and 1367 Š./1978, under the direction of P. P. Delougaz (d. 1975) and Helene J. Kantor; in the fourth through the tenth seasons the University of California at Los Angeles was cosponsor of the excavation. Čoḡā Mīš was occupied continuously, except for one or two presumably short breaks, from approximately the late 6th millennium to the late 4th millennium b.c.e. and must have played a key role in the cultural and social development of the region...

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