۱۳۹۴ تیر ۲, سه‌شنبه

سیمرغ در دانشنامۀ ایرانیکا

SIMORḠ (Persian: سیمرغ), a #fabulous, mythical #bird. 
http://iranicaonline.org/articles/simorg  #Simorgh #Iranica

PLATE I. "The Simorḡ,” Marāḡa, 697 or 699/ca. 1297-1300,
illustration from the Manāfeʿ-e ḥayawān.
Courtesy of The Pierpont Morgan Library,
New York, Ms. M. 500, fol. 55r.

The Encyclopædia Iranica, Hanns-Peter Schmidt:

SIMORḠ (Persian), Sēnmurw (Pahlavi), Sīna-Mrū (Pāzand), a fabulous, mythical bird. The name derives from Avestan mərəγō saēnō ‘the bird Saēna’, originally a raptor, either eagle or falcon, as can be deduced from the etymologically identical Sanskrit śyená. Saēna is also attested as a personal name which is derived from the bird name...

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