۱۳۹۴ تیر ۲۷, شنبه

کشتن کیخسرو افراسیاب را

 "Kai Khusrau Slays Afrasiyab", Folio from a #Shahnama (Book of Kings). #Iran/Persia.

کشتن کیخسرو افراسیاب را

بر اساس متن پهلوی «ماه فروردین روز خرداد»، این واقعه در ششم فروردین (نوروز بزرگ) اتفاق افتاده است.

The Metropolitan Museum of Art
The long wars between Iran and Turan end with the defeat and capture of the Turanian king, Afrasiyab, and his execution by Kai Khusrau, the Iranian shah, who thus avenged the murder of his father, Siyavush. The unusual and rather awkward position of the prisoner is echoed in an illustration of the same scene in an album in Berlin confirming the existence of an active workshop in Isfahan that developed its distinctive style.

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