۱۳۹۴ شهریور ۲۳, دوشنبه

پوراندخت ساسانی و چلیپای مسیح

 در روزگار پوراندخت، چلیپا با آیین دینی از تیسفون به اورشلیم برگشت و این در روز ۱۴ سپتامبر ۶۲۹ میلادی بود. (نگاه به اناهیتا، استاد #پورداود ص۳۷۲)

Sasanian Silver drachma of Boran, queen of Iran from ca.630-31

Sept. 14, 629 AD; The restoration of the True Cross to #Jerusalem by Pourandokht (=BŌRĀN), #Sasanian queen. #Persia.

Sasanian Silver drachma of Boran, queen of Iran from ca.630-31, daughter of Ḵosrow II.

See Also / بیشتر بخوانید

The Encyclopædia Iranica, Marie Louise Chaumont:

BŌRĀN (Pers. Pōrān, Pūrān), Sasanian queen, daughter of Ḵosrow II (r. 590, 591-628). There are extant coins of Bōrān dated from the first, second, and third years of her reign (de Morgan, p. 329, fig. 418; Göbl, pls. XII, XV). She ascended the throne in the year that ran from 17 June 629 to 16 June 630, according to Sebēos (p. 28, tr. p. 89) in the spring of 630 following the murder of the usurper Šahrvarāz, though she was not the wife of the latter; rather, she must have been the widow of Kavād II Šērōē/Šīrūya (r. 628; Anonymous Syriac Chronicle, ed. Guidi, p. 30, tr. p. 26). Some authors place her reign at one year and four months, others at one year and six months; Sebēos (p. 28, tr. p. 90) puts it at two years. In fact, Bōrān probably died in the autumn of 631 (cf. Nöldeke, Geschichte der Perser, p. 433), in the third calendar year of a reign that cannot have exceeded a year and a half. According to the Anonymous Syriac Chronicle (loc. cit.) and the Chronicle of Seert (II/2, p. 259), she was strangled. The Chronicle of Seert gives the name of her murderer as Pērōz, general of the Persian army.

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