۱۳۹۵ خرداد ۹, یکشنبه

Pre-Achaemenid Vessel

Vessel in the shape of a cook; Pre-Achaemenid, 8th-6th B.C., Gilded silver, (Miho Museum).

Pre-Achaemenid Vessel in the shape of a cook, 8th-6th B.C.
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Pre-Achaemenid Vessel

Vessel with a bull attacked by a lion; Pre-Achaemenid, 8to7 B.C., Silver, gold, (Miho Museum)

Pre-Achaemenid Vessel with a bull attacked by a lion 8th to 7th centuries B.C.

Farahvashi, Bahram

FARAHVAŠI, Bahrām (1925-1992), scholar and professor of ancient Iranian languages.

FARAHVAŠI, Bahrām (1925-1992) / دکتر بهرام فره وشی

See Also / بیشتر بخوانید

The Encyclopædia Iranica, Mahnaz Moazami:

FARAHVAŠI, Bahrām (b. Urmia, Iran, 30 March 1925; d. San Jose, U.S.A., 29 May 1992; Figure 1), scholar and professor of ancient Iranian languages at the University of Tehran.
Bahrām Farahvaši was born into a family with a long tradition of literary and scholarly pursuits.  His father, ʿAli Moḥammad Farahvaši (1875-1968), was one of the pioneers of education reform in the early 20th century and established modern schools in Tehran, Zanjan, and Azerbaijan. He was the author of Dastur-e dāneš, a textbook for primary schools. Its first part was published in 1912, and the second part in 1913 (Moḥammadi and Qāyeni, III, pp. 341-42). He also published translations from French under the pen name Motarjem Homāyun and taught his son French at an early age.  His translations included the memoir of the Czarist diplomat and Orientalist Vasiliǐ P. Nikitin (1885-1960).


QAZVINI, MOḤAMMAD; (1877-1949), distinguished scholar of Persian history and literature.

محمد عبدالوهاب قزوینی / QAZVINI, MOḤAMMAD; (1877-1949)
See Also / بیشتر بخوانید

The Encyclopædia Iranica, Mahmoud Omidsalar:

QAZVINI, MOḤAMMAD B. ʿABD-AL-WAHHĀB (محمد عبدالوهاب قزوینی, b. Tehran, 15 Rabiʿ I 1294/30 March 1877; d. Tehran, 6 Ḵordād 1328 Š./27 May 1949), distinguished scholar of Persian history and literature. 
Qazvini’s life story is related in a number of sources, including an autobiography composed in 1924 but published in 1928 and reprinted in his Bist maqāla (1984, I, pp. 7-30). Another informative biography, written by Moḥammad Moʿin, may be considered equally authoritative, since it had been approved by Qazvini himself (Moʿin, pp. 38-64; repr., pp. 129-56).  Additional information may be culled from Qazvini’s writings and the recollections of his friends and associates.   Two other important sources have recently become available, namely, Moḥammad-ʿAli Foruḡi’s journals (Foruḡi, see I. Afšār’s introd., pp. 1, 13) and a volume of Qazvini’s letters to Foruḡi (Qazvini, 2015). 

Sasanian Plate with the Bust of a King

Plate with the Bust of a King; Allegedly Iran, Persia, Sasanian period, 6th century.

Sasanian Plate with the Bust of a King, Iran, 6th century.
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Pre-Achaemenid Cup

Cup with Vultures and Gazelles; Northwestern Iran, 12th - 11th B.C., Gold, (Miho Museum).

Pre-Achaemenid Cup with Vultures and Gazelles, Northwestern Iran, 12th-11th B.C.
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Pre-Achaemenid Cup

Cup with a frieze of gazelles; Northwestern Iran, ca. early 1st millennium B.C., Gold.

Pre-Achaemenid Cup with a frieze of gazelles, Northwestern Iran, ca. early 1st millennium B.C.

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The Metropolitan Museum of Art

۱۳۹۵ اردیبهشت ۳۱, جمعه

فهرستنامه کتابشناسی های ایران

«فهرستنامه کتابشناسی های ایران» اثر ایرج افشار و بکوشش ایران ناز کاشیان منتشر شد.

«فهرستنامه کتابشناسی های ایران» 
برای آگاهی بیشتر به گزارش دائره المعارف بزرگ اسلامی نگاه کنید:

دبا: «فهرستنامه کتابشناسی های ایران» تالیف ایرج افشار به کوشش ایران ناز کاشیان از سوی موسسه خانه کتاب منتشر شد.
«فهرستنامه کتابشناسی های ایران» از مهمترین منابع پژوهشی حوزه ایران شناسی و از نخستین ابزارهای کتاب شناسی است که شادروان استاد ایرج افشار در تولید آن پیشگام شد و در نخستین شماره نشریه ایرانشناسی (نشریه مرکز تحقیق و مطالعه تمدن و فرهنگ ایران و خاورمیانه، دانشکده ادبیات دانشگاه تهران، 1342 ش) آن را انتشار داد. ادامه

Persian poetical manuscripts

Henning, W. B. (1962) Persian poetical manuscripts from the time of Rūdakī. in A locust's leg, London. (Turfan)
Studies in Honour of S. H. Taqizadeh, ed. W. B. Henning and E. Yarshater, London, 1962, pp. 89 ff.

Persian poetical manuscripts from the time of Rūdakī.

Barlaam and Josaphat

Barlaam and Josaphat, English lives of Buddha, Edited and induced by Joseph Jacobs, 1896.

Barlaam and Josaphat, Edited and induced by Joseph Jacobs, 1896.
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Internet Archive

بلوهر و بوذاسف، داستانی است که اصل هندی دارد و در دوره ساسانیان به پهلوی ترجمه و تألیف گردیده و اساس آن شرح زندگی بوداست. ادبیات‌ پهلوی
نک به: تاریخ ادبیات ایران پیش از اسلام، احمد تفضلی، ص۳۰۱-۳۰۲
در میان اوراق مکشوفه در تورفان، که متعلّق به پیروان مانی است، قطعاتی از بلوهر و بوذاسف به شعر فارسی دری و به خط مانوی پیدا شده است. تفضلی۳۰۲

See Also / بیشتر بخوانید

The Encyclopædia Iranica, J. P. Asmussen:

BARLAAM AND IOSAPH, Persian Belawhar o Būdāsaf, a Greek Christian or Christianized novel of Buddhist origins which throughout the Middle Ages and until quite recently was almost universally at­tributed to St. John of Damascus (ca. 675-ca. 749), e.g., in the Martyrologium of Pope Sixtus the Fifth (1585-­90), s.d. 27 November. All the manuscripts are later than 1500. Being extremely popular it received various accretions (e.g., the lost Greek Apology of Aristides, see Eusebius of Caesarea, Historia ecclesiastica 4.3) and was often translated: into Arabic (in the 13th century) whence into Ethiopic (in the 16th century), Armenian, Latin, and from Latin into the main European lan­guages. The book won great favor in Germany through Rudolf von Ems’ epic version of it (ca. 1230) and in Scandinavia in the same century through the Old Norse translation ordered by King Haakon Haakonsøn. It was used in the Legenda aurea by the Dominican Jacobus de Voragine (late 13th cent.) and in the Gesta Romanorum and thereby gained widespread popularity in Europe. Finally, William Shakespeare borrowed from it the Tale of the Caskets for his Merchant of Venice. more

۱۳۹۵ اردیبهشت ۳۰, پنجشنبه

Pre-Achaemenid Goblet with Bulls

Goblet with Bulls, Northwestern Iran, 12th-11th century B.C., Gold, H-16.5 D-9, (Miho Museum).

Pre-Achaemenid Goblet with Bulls Northwestern Iran, 12th-11th c B.C.

See Also / بیشتر بخوانید

This stunning goblet, notable for the high quality of its craftsmanship, presents an outstanding synthesis of Iranian and Mesopotamian elements. Supported by a small flaring foot and a rosette-covered base, and bordered at top and bottom by carefully executed guilloches, the main surface of the cup contains a row of three imposing bulls. In contrast to the animals' subtly modeled bodies, worked in low relief and covered with rows of fine decorative linear patterns, their naturalistic heads with curving horns are fully in the round, protruding from the surface of the vessel at right angles. more

Achaemenid Phiale with the inscription

Phiale with the inscription, Achaemenid period, Iran, Reign of Artaxerxes I, 499-400 BCE, Silver. (Freer Gallery of Art)

Achaemenid Phiale with the inscription, Iran, 499-400 BCE, Silver.

۱۳۹۵ اردیبهشت ۱۹, یکشنبه


DRAXT Ī ĀSŪRĪG (The Babylonian tree), a versified contest over precedence between a goat and a palm tree, composed in the Parthian language, written in Book Pahlavi script, and consisting of about 120 verses. Probably in ancient times the Iranians adopted this literary genre, which has the characteristics of oral literature from Mesopotamia; examples are found in Sumerian and Akkadian texts (Asmussen, 1973, pp. 51-59; Brunner, pp. 194-202). The text has been edited and published from Codex MK, with collations from other manuscripts (Pahlavi Texts, ed. Jamasp-Asana, II, pp. 109-14).

درخت آسوری (Draxt Asūrīg) منظومه مفاخره آمیزی است میان بز و نخل که بزبان پارتی یا پهلوی اشکانی سروده شده ولی اکنون بخط پهلوی کتابی در دست است.
نک به: تاریخ ادبیات ایران پیش از اسلام، دکتر احمد تفضلی، ص۲۵۶-۲۵۹

۱۳۹۵ اردیبهشت ۱۸, شنبه

Pre-Achaemenid Vessel with ibex and palmettes

Vessel with ibex and palmettes, Pre-Achaemenid period, 8th-6th B.C., Silver. (Miho Museum)

Pre-Achaemenid Vessel with ibex and palmettes, 8th-6th B.C.

See Also / بیشتر بخوانید


Golden Masks of Kalmakareh Cave

Golden Masks; Kalmakareh Cave, Luristan, #Iran. First half of first Millennium BC. National #Museum of Iran, Tehran.

Pre-Achaemenid Golden Masks of Kalmakareh Cave, Iran.

۱۳۹۵ اردیبهشت ۱۳, دوشنبه

Diakonoff, Igor

DIAKONOFF (D’yakonov), Igor’ Mikhaĭlovich (b.1914/15;d.1999), Russian orientalist...#Iranica

بیاد ایگور م. دیاکونوف (Igor M. Diakonoff) خاورشناس روسی و نویسندهٔ کتاب تاریخ ماد (History of Media, 1956) در ۲می۱۹۹۹ از جهان درگذشت.

Diakonoff, Igor M. (1914-1999)

See Also / بیشتر بخوانید

The Encyclopædia Iranica, Muhammad Dandamayev:

DIAKONOFF (D’yakonov), Igor’ Mikhaĭlovich (b. Petrograd, 30 December 1914 [Old style]/12 January 1915; d. St. Petersburg, 2 May 1999), Russian orientalist of international standing, one of the greatest scholars in the field of Ancient Near Eastern studies (FIGURE 1). He was a Corresponding Fellow of the British Academy, an Honorary Member of the Royal Asiatic Society, of the American Oriental Society, and of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, a Member of the Advisory Committee of the Encyclopaedia Iranica, and a Member of the Corpus Inscriptionum Iranicarum. He also held an Honorary Doctorate from the University of Chicago. more