۱۳۹۵ مرداد ۲۶, سه‌شنبه

Elamite Model of a temple

Model of a temple, made for the ceremony of the rising sun, 12th BC, Susa, Iran. (Louvre)

Elamite Model of a temple,  12th BC, Susa, Iran.

Model of a temple, called the Sit-shamshi, made for the ceremony of the rising sun 
12th century BC 
Tell of the Acropolis, Susa

The Elamite inscription reads: “I, Shilhak-Inshushinak, son of Shutruk-Nahhunte, beloved manservant of Inshushinak, King of Anzan and Susa, enlarger of the kingdom, protector of Elam, have made a sunrise [sit-shamshi] in bronze. . . .”


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