۱۳۹۶ فروردین ۱۱, جمعه

بیاد آرتور امانوئل کریستنسن

بیاد آرتور امانوئل کریستنسن (Arthur Christensen) خاورشناس و ایرانشناس دانمارکی، در۳۱ مارس  ۱۹۴۵ ازین جهان چشم فروبست.


CHRISTENSEN, ARTHUR EMANUEL (b. Copenhagen 9 January 1875, d. Copenhagen 31 March 1945), Danish orientalist and scholar of Iranian philology and folklore. Apart from periods of travel and study abroad he spent his entire life in Copenhagen. He passed his secondary-school examinations (studentereksamen) in 1893 and in 1900 received from the University of Copenhagen the master’s degree in French, history, and Latin, having also studied Persian and Arabic with A. F. van Mehren, Avestan with Edvard Lehmann, Sanskrit with V. Fausbøll, and Turkish with Johannes Østrup. more

See More: The Encyclopædia Iranica, Jes P. Asmussen: 

March 31, 2017 at 07:06PM

۱۳۹۶ فروردین ۹, چهارشنبه

Cup of Ḵosrow I Anuširwān

Cup of Ḵosrow I Anuširwān (r. 531-79); made for the Sasanian king, Iran, 6th-7thC, gold, rock crystal, red and green glass. (BnF)

Cup of Ḵosrow I Anuširwān, Iran, 6th-7thC.

March 29, 2017 at 06:08PM

۱۳۹۶ فروردین ۶, یکشنبه

شاهین زرین، مدال شاهنشاهی هخامنشیان

شاهین زرین، مدال شاهنشاهی هخامنشیان که اکنون در موزهٔ لندن نگهداری میشود.
گنجینۀ آمودریا، سدۀ چهارم یا پنجم پیش از میلاد.

 شاهین زرین، مدال شاهنشاهی هخامنشیان

March 26, 2017 at 09:55PM

۱۳۹۶ فروردین ۵, شنبه

Achaemenid winged lion

Gold disc winged lion of Oxus Treasure (=ĀMŪ DARYĀ); Achaemenid, 5thC BC-4thC BC, D: 1.6 cm, Tajikistan, Takht-i Kuwad. (British Museum)
March 25, 2017 at 08:39PM

Male in Median dress

Plaque showing a male in Median dress and he carries a 'barsom' in his right hand. Achaemenid, 5th-4th BC, Oxus treasure. (British Museum)

Plaque showing a male in Median dress, Achaemenid, 5th-4th BC

March 25, 2017 at 02:10PM

۱۳۹۶ فروردین ۴, جمعه

Plate Depicting Ahura-Mazda

Plate from a Necklace Depicting Ahura-Mazda, Iran, Achaemenid?, 5th - 4th century BC, gold, 1,7x1,7 cm. (Hermitage Museum) 

Plate from a Necklace Depicting Ahura-Mazda, Achaemenid?, 5th-4th BC

March 24, 2017 at 02:59PM

۱۳۹۶ فروردین ۳, پنجشنبه

Sasanian king in A Banquet Scene

A Sasanian Banquet Scene and the Monarch Wears the Crown of a Sassanian King; Iran or Iraq, 7th-8th AD, silver gilt. (Israel Museum)

A Sasanian Banquet Scene,7th-8th AD.

March 23, 2017 at 03:48PM

۱۳۹۶ فروردین ۱, سه‌شنبه

جشن نوروز

جشن نوروز، بزرگترین عید ملّی ایران فرخنده باد.

تمبر "میر نوروزی" سال ۱۳۴۷ خورشیدی

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The Encyclopædia Iranica, NOWRUZ:

i. In the Pre-Islamic Period

Nowruz, “New Day”, is the holiest and most joyful festival of the Zoroastrian year. It is also its focal point, to which all other high holy days relate. Its celebration has two strands, the religious and the secular, both of which have plainly evolved considerably over many centuries, the one with extension of observances, the other with accumulation of charming and poetic customs, most of them special to it. more


Introduction. The Islamic conquest altered many Iranian traditions specifically associated with national ideology, imperial institutions, and Zoroastrian rituals. Although Nowruz was an established symbol of these three aspects, it did survive while less significant festivals were eclipsed by their Islamic rivals and gradually became abandoned by indifferent Mongol and Turkish rulers or hostile clerical authorities during Safavid and Qajar periods. more


The day Hormoz (the first day of any Persian month) of the month of Farvardin is the New Year day in the Persian calendar; at present it coincides with the day of the vernal equinox (the day on which the Sun enters the first degree of Aries). more


(lit. “The prince of the New Year festivities”) or Padešāh-e nowruz (lit. “The king of the New Year festivities”), the carnivalesque ritual of electing a commoner to rule for a period of one to five days over the country; it belongs to the traditional Nowruz festival (cf. Dehḵodā, “Mir-e nowruzi” s.v. Nowruzi). more

March 21, 2017 at 11:48AM

Happy Nowruz!

Happy Nowruz and Best Wishes for the New Year.

نقاشی سفره هفت سین نوروزی در فرهنگ ایران زمین

March 21, 2017 at 11:50AM

۱۳۹۵ اسفند ۲۹, یکشنبه

PERSEPOLIS - Taḵt-e Jamšid

PERSEPOLIS (Taḵt-e Jamšid), The Apadana stairway: Gift-bearing delegations; perhaps for
celebrating Nowruz, the Persian New Year festival.

PERSEPOLIS (Taḵt-e Jamšid), The Apadana stairway.

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The Encyclopædia Iranica, A. Shapur Shahbazi:

PERSEPOLIS (called Taḵt-e Jamšid “Jamšid’s Throne” in Persian), the ruined monuments of the acropolis of the city of Pārsa, the dynastic center of the Achaemenid Persian kings, located in the plain of Marvdašt, some 57 km northeast of Shiraz. One of the best-known sites of the ancient world, Persepolis was registered by the UNESCO as a World Cultural Heritage in 1979. more

March 19, 2017 at 06:12PM

۱۳۹۵ اسفند ۲۷, جمعه

Elamite mountain goat

Figurine of mountain goat; Near Eastern, Iranian, Elamite, Proto-Elamite, 3500–2700 B.C., Silver and sheet gold, Iran. (mfaboston)
March 17, 2017 at 07:36PM

۱۳۹۵ اسفند ۲۶, پنجشنبه

Tachara Palace

Iran, Persepolis, Tachara Palace (Palace of Darius); Looking towards South-East, 1923-1928, Glass negative from the Ernst Herzfeld Papers.

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March 16, 2017 at 11:16PM

Sasanian spouted vessel

Spouted vessel with gazelle protome, Sasanian period, 4th century, Iran or Afghanistan, Silver and gilt. (Sackler Gallery)

Sasanian Spouted vessel with gazelle protome, 4th AD.

March 16, 2017 at 05:15PM

۱۳۹۵ اسفند ۲۵, چهارشنبه

تاریخ پايان شاهنامه فردوسی

تاریخ پايان شاهنامه فردوسى:

سر آمد کنون قصهٔ یزدگرد / به ماه سفندارمذ روز ارد
ز هجرت سه صد سال و هشتاد و چار / به نام جهان داور کردگار

See More / بیشتر بخوانید: 

"پادشاهی یزدگرد" در صفحه گنجور

March 15, 2017 at 01:54PM

Achaemenid Rhyton with a Stag

Rhyton with a Stag, Achaemenid period (5th-4th BC.), Iran, H-31 D-11, Gilded silver (Silver, with gold-foil gilding). (Miho Museum)

Achaemenid Rhyton with a Stag 5th-4th BC.

March 15, 2017 at 02:02PM

۱۳۹۵ اسفند ۲۳, دوشنبه

به یاد هانس هاینریش شدر

به یاد هانس هاینریش شدر ( Hans Heinrich Schaeder ) خاورشناس و ایرانشناس آلمانی، در ۱۳ مارس ۱۹۵۷ ازین جهان چشم فروبست.

See More / بیشتر بخوانید:

The Encyclopædia Iranica, Werner Sundermann:

SCHAEDER, HANS HEINRICH (b. Göttingen 31 January 1896; d. Göttingen 13 March 1957), one of the most creative, knowledgeable, and versatile of German Iranists, and taking into account his familiarity with other neighboring disciplines, from Hebraic studies to Sinology, he might have claimed to be an Orientalist in the full sense of the word. As a historian of Oriental religions and Hellenistic philosophy, he mastered this enormous field of scholarship from the Vedas and Zoroaster up to Islam. more

March 13, 2017 at 08:14PM

Sasanian Dancing Female Figures

Vase with Dancing Female Figures; Persia, Sasanian period, Iran, about 6th century, H-18.1 D-6, Silver gilt. (Miho Museum)
March 13, 2017 at 08:20PM

۱۳۹۵ اسفند ۱۸, چهارشنبه

به یاد ایرج افشار

به یاد ایرج افشار Iraj Afshar پژوهشگر، ایرانشناس، کتابشناس و پایه‌گذار کتابخانه مرکزی دانشگاه تهران، در ۱۸ اسفند ۱۳۸۹ بسوی بهشت برین گرایید.

Iraj Afshar (1925-2011)

۱۳۹۵ اسفند ۱۴, شنبه


MANI, the founder of the religion of Manicheism in the 3rd century CE.

Image of Mani as the Buddha of Light
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The Encyclopædia Iranica, Werner Sundermann:

MANI, the founder of the religion of Manicheism in the 3rd century CE.
As the founder of the Manichean religion, Mani did not play the same role in the beliefs of his community as that of Jesus Christ in Christianity. He was not the only-begotten son of God, the divine sacrifice for the sake of mankind, the only revealer of the gospel of truth. His position (although not his lifestyle and biography) can be compared, rather, with that of Moḥammad in Islam. But Mani was highly praised as the founder of his church, the ultimate revealer of divine gnosis, and a model of righteous behavior, compassionate philanthropy, and brave martyrdom. He was also credited with supernatural healing power, clairvoyance, the gift of levitation, and with miraculous locomotion over considerable distances. more

روز تولد و وفات مانی

آقای استاد هنینگ به استناد یک قطعۀ ترکی از اسناد مانوی میفرمایند: روز دوشنبه ۴ مارس ۲۷۴ مسیحی (=۴ ادار بابلی) تاریخ تولد مانی MANI بوده‌است.
استاد محقق آقای سید حسن تقی‌زاده در خطابۀ "مانی و دین او" میفرمایند: روز دوشنبۀ چهارم ماه ادار بابلی سال ۲۷۷ مسیحی، سال وفات مانی بوده‌است.

MANI, the founder of the religion of Manicheism in the 3rd century CE.