۱۳۹۴ آذر ۱, یکشنبه


« آذر پسر اهورامزدا را ما ميستائيم. ترا اى آذر مقدس و پسر اهورامزدا و سرور راستى، ما ميستائيم. همه اقسام آتش را ما ميستائيم. » : يسنا ۲۵ فقره ٧


۱۳۹۴ آبان ۲۶, سه‌شنبه

به یاد پورداود

به ‌یاد ابراهیم پورداود، استاد فرهنگ ایران باستان و نخستین مترجم فارسی اوستا، در ۲۶ آبان ۱۳۴۷ بسوی بهشت برین گرایید.

Pour-e dāvoud, Ebrāhim (1885-1968)

Sasanian silk fragment


Silk Fragment, Iran, Sasanian period, 6th - 7th A.D., compound twill weave, silk, Overall; h: 8.30, w: 11.40 cm. (cleveland)

Sasanian silk fragment


Bowl with parade of ducks

Pre-Achaemenid Bowl with parade of ducks, about 4000 BC. From Prehistoric Site, Tepe Sialk III period, Central Iran. (Louvre). 

Pre-Achaemenid Bowl with parade of ducks, 4000 BC., Iran.


۱۳۹۴ آبان ۲۴, یکشنبه

به یاد سعید نفیسی


به ياد سعید نفیسی (NAFISI, SA`ID) ادیب، تاریخ‌نگار، نویسنده و مترجم ایرانی، در۲۳ آبان ۱۳۴۵، از گیتی بجهان مینوی روی آورد.

Nafisi, Saeid (1895-1966)


۱۳۹۴ آبان ۱۷, یکشنبه

سیدمحمدعلی جمالزاده


مدخل «سید محمدعلی جمالزاده» در دانشنامه ایرانیکا:

JAMALZADEH, MOHAMMAD-ALI (b. Isfahan, 1892; d. Geneva, 1997). a pioneer of modern #Persian prose fiction... #Iranica



JAMALZADEH, MOHAMMAD-ALI (محمد علی جمالزاده)(Moḥammad-ʿAli Jamālzāda), a prominent Iranian intellectual and a pioneer of modern Persian prose fiction, and of the genre of the short story (b. Isfahan, 1892; d. Geneva, 1997; Figure 1). Jamalzadeh’s long and productive life spanned over a century in a vital period in modern Iranian history, from the Constitutional Revolution of 1906, to the Islamic Revolution of 1979 and beyond...


اویگن میتووخ


مدخل «اویگن میتوخ» در دانشنامۀ Judaica:

MITTWOCH, EUGEN (4 Dec. 1876–8 Nov. 1942), #German #Orientalist. Encyclopaedia Judaica.


MITTWOCH, EUGEN (1876–1942), German Orientalist. Born in Schrimm, Prussian province of Posen (now Poland), Mittwoch originally intended to be a rabbi and studied at the Rabbinical Seminary in Berlin. He made his first journey to the East with Moritz Sobernheim and thus became familiar with Palestine and the culture of the Near East. He returned to the Orient with Paul *Nathan in 1907 and helped him set up the *Hilfsverein's school system in Palestine. Mittwoch himself was one of the first German Jews to speak modern Hebrew. He taught at the University of Berlin (1915–16) and at the University of Greifswald (1917) and returned to Berlin in 1919 to serve as a professor at the Seminary for Oriental Languages, of which he became director in 1920. During World War I he was head of the Nachrichtenstelle fuer den Orient, which propagated pro-German feelings in the countries of the Near East. In 1933, having been dismissed from his position by the Nazis, Mittwoch first directed the office of the Joint Distribution Committee in Berlin and in 1939 moved to England, where he assisted the Ministry of Information on Arabian and Persian problems. Between 1910 and 1930 Mittwoch was active in educating young Falashas (Beta *Israel), and was a prominent member of the Hilfsverein der deutschen Juden. He also cooperated in the Jewish World Relief Conference and was a representative at HICEM (a relief organization) from its inception. He was the last president of the council of the Gesellschaft zur Foerderung der Wissenschaft des Judentums and transferred the scholarly material from its office to England in 1938. He served on the executive of the Zentralverein deutscher Staatsbuerger juedischen Glaubens, immigrated to London and died there in 1942.

Mittwoch's special scholarly interest was in the study of classical and modern Arabic as well as Ethiopian dialects and literature, such as Die traditionelle Aussprache des Aethiopischen (1926). In his Zur Entstehungsgeschichte des islamischen Gebets und Kultus (1913) he illustrated the influence of Jewish prayer and liturgy on Islam. He also contributed to Hebrew epigraphy as well as to that of South Arabian, Himyaritic, and Sabean inscriptions. Among his other works is Die arabischen Lehrbuecher der Augenheilkunde (with J. Hirschberg and J. Lippert, 1905). Mittwoch also wrote about Islamic art and modern Islamic politics. He was a coeditor of the jubilee edition of the works of Moses Mendelssohn (seven vols., 1929–38). In 1937 the Gesellschaft presented him with a Festschrift (see bibliography).


I. Elbogen, Eugen Mittwoch, zum 60. Geburtstag (1937), 186–93, incl. bibl. ( = MGWJ, 81 (1937), 243–50. ADD. BIBLIOGRAPHY: W. Gottschalk, Die Schriften Eugen Mittwochs (1937).

Sources: Encyclopaedia Judaica.

۱۳۹۴ آبان ۱۲, سه‌شنبه

دینشاه ایرانی

مدخل «دینشاه ایرانی» در دانشنامۀ ایرانیکا:

IRANI, DINSHAH JIJIBHOY, #Parsi notable and scholar(b.4Nov1881;d.3Nov1938 #Bombay). #Iranica


IRANI, DINSHAH JIJIBHOY (b. Bombay, 4 November 1881; d. Bombay, 3 November 1938; Figure 1), prominent member of the Zoroastrian community of Bombay.  He was trained and worked as a professional lawyer, but at the same time he was also active as a philanthropist and scholar of Zoroastrianism and Persian literature.  He became an important cultural intermediary between the Zoroastrian community of Bombay and the intellectual community of Iran during the 1920s and 1930s.




ANĀHĪD,(=Ardwīsūr Anāhīd) a popular #Zoroastrian yazatā..(=Iranian goddess)

https://iranicaonline.org/articles/anahid #Persia #Iranica

ANĀHĪD (O. Pers. Anāhitā, N. Pers. Nāhīd, Mid. Pers. Anāhitā)

The Encyclopædia Iranica, M. Boyce, M. L. Chaumont, C. Bier:

ANĀHĪD (Old Pers. Anāhitā, New Pers. Nāhīd, Armenian Anahit, Greek Anaitis), Mid. Pers. form of the name of the Iranian goddess Anāhitā. The subject will be treated in four sections:

i. Ardwīsūr Anāhīd. ii. The cult and its diffusion. iii. Anaitis. iv. Anāhitā in the arts. ...



جشن آبان


جشن آبان، آبان روز از ماه آبان = دهم آبان (بتاریخ باستانی ایران) فرخنده باد. در این روز حاجت از خداوند خواستن مبارک است (برهان قاطع). #آبان

در ایران قدیم، ستایش فرشته آب (=ناهید) در کلیّه ایران زمین و ممالک همسایه رونق تمام داشته؛ #آبان یشت در اوستا، مخصوص به بانو اردویسور ناهید است.