۱۳۹۵ خرداد ۹, یکشنبه


QAZVINI, MOḤAMMAD; (1877-1949), distinguished scholar of Persian history and literature.

محمد عبدالوهاب قزوینی / QAZVINI, MOḤAMMAD; (1877-1949)
See Also / بیشتر بخوانید

The Encyclopædia Iranica, Mahmoud Omidsalar:

QAZVINI, MOḤAMMAD B. ʿABD-AL-WAHHĀB (محمد عبدالوهاب قزوینی, b. Tehran, 15 Rabiʿ I 1294/30 March 1877; d. Tehran, 6 Ḵordād 1328 Š./27 May 1949), distinguished scholar of Persian history and literature. 
Qazvini’s life story is related in a number of sources, including an autobiography composed in 1924 but published in 1928 and reprinted in his Bist maqāla (1984, I, pp. 7-30). Another informative biography, written by Moḥammad Moʿin, may be considered equally authoritative, since it had been approved by Qazvini himself (Moʿin, pp. 38-64; repr., pp. 129-56).  Additional information may be culled from Qazvini’s writings and the recollections of his friends and associates.   Two other important sources have recently become available, namely, Moḥammad-ʿAli Foruḡi’s journals (Foruḡi, see I. Afšār’s introd., pp. 1, 13) and a volume of Qazvini’s letters to Foruḡi (Qazvini, 2015). 

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